Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Lollocaust!

Please check out Timmy's Blog its super cool YA

The Lollocaust!

BBC News - Author Terry Pratchett pledges £10,000 swan killer reward

BBC News - Author Terry Pratchett pledges £10,000 swan killer reward

Slash Fiction

Ha ha ha just read this on Neil Gaiman's blog

slash fiction is basically erotic fan fiction, normally TV series based, pairing off two (er or more I suppose) members of the same sex who don't normally couple for the cameras. From the "/" mark in the middle of "Kirk/Spock" or "K/S" fiction, which is where it all started. ("But Spock," said Kirk, huskily, realising, finally, irrevocably, what his true self had been trying to tell him ever since the beginning of season one, "it's so huge. And it's green." "And it would be logical for you to... touch it, Captain," said Spock. And so on. It's normally written by extremely nice ladies. I have several very sane, respected, and respectable friends who write slash fiction, and do not try to make me read it

So going to try out some names :D


Classic books like this one are free for Kindle so get on it quick!!!!


Got Brian one of these for his birthday.

Have to say it was really damn cool I mean I love a proper book as much as the next person but it makes things sooooo much easier and it would certainly get rid of the huge stack of books next to the armchair!!!!

Neil Gaiman American Gods

Totally hooked on this book sugest you all go out and find a copy!


OK so here is an idea!

I find this guy and his invention fascinating

He has made a device which apparently generates power from the earth itself and nothing more.
The implications are insane!!!

I was thinking about this in the bath this morning and thought that there is an amazing idea for some kind of fiction novel based around this


A beginning a middle and an end is this what we need to get this started?
Sounds like a vile enforcement of politically forcible structure to me and I’m not even sure if that makes total sense!

I started this to vent my thoughts really but I am starting to worry that it may come over as rather pretentious so maybe I should share something other than my own selfish thoughts!

SO heres something I stole from Amanda fucking Palmers blog I love this pic and everything it says about the NZ people :D